Agony of Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

The Agony of Alice
By Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Growing up is tough and Alice is agonizing about finding a new mom and pretty much being a weirdo normal kid.


2000 - Fairfax County, Virginia - was challenged but retained after a parent complained. The book is available only for "small discussion groups for girls only."

2001 - Alice series #7 on ALA Top 10 List for sexually explicit and unsuited to age group


Webb City, Missouri - school library banned several Alice books for their “promotion of homosexuality” and discussion of issues “best left to parents.”

Alice series #2 on ALA Top 10 List for homosexuality, sexually explicit, and unsuited to age group

2003 - Alice series #1 on ALA Top 10 List for sexual content, offensive language, and unsuitable for age group

2006 - Alice series #3 on ALA Top 10 List for offensive language and sexually explicit

2011 - Series #6 on ALA Top 10 List for nudity, offensive language, and religious viewpoints

Series is #14 on 100 most frequently challenged books: 1990–1999

Series is #2 on Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009

"Dances and Dames"

Kevin MacLeod (

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